With so many places to go and things to see, planning a trip to Tanzania involves careful research and difficult decisions. Most visitors find just one trip doesn’t do the country’s many sights justice, and return again and again to enjoy the country's amazing wildlife, beautiful scenery and the friendly welcome of its people.
Below, we outline some of the ways of Getting to Tanzania, and how to Get Around once you are in the country - travelling by road, air, sea, and rail are all popular and viable options. Our packing list of What To Bring includes items that are difficult to find in the country, and things that, whether on safari or enjoying the sun-kissed beaches, you won’t want to be without.
Important Travel Information features essential listings about money changing and access, taking care of your health while travelling, malaria precautions, travel insurance, hospital and clinic access, visas, and security information. ‘Planning Your Trip’ will inform you of everything you need to know in order to be well prepared for your journey.
Getting There:
These days there are many ways to travel to Tanzania. Overland railways connect the country, the roads are easy to navigate and well-maintained, cruise ships and passenger liners stop frequently at the ports, and international air carriers arrive and depart daily from the many airports located around the country. Travel to Tanzania is easier and more convenient than it has ever been before. World-class airport facilities and on-the-ground assistance make sure that your visit to the country is perfect from the first moment of arrival.
Whether you’re travelling independently or with a tour operator, be sure to book your ticket well in advance and make sure your return flights are confirmed. Travel agents in major cities can assist you in making any last-minute changes to your itinerary and flights.
Getting Around:
Travelling in Tanzania is a rewarding and remarkable experience. Driving through villages and grasslands on your way to game parks and nature reserves will be one of the most memorable parts of your trip -- the smiling faces of young Masaai herding cattle, the piles of mangos and fresh greens set out in piles in a village market. Driving through the country, although it takes more time, is an ideal way to witness the daily lives of Tanzanians and take in more of the scenery around you. Flying is another way of seeing the country, the microsm of its villages and fields suddenly appear larger than life against the striking sky. From the window of a plane, Mount Kilimanjaro and the crater of Mt. Meru become clear and visible, the undulations of the Eastern Arc mountains ancient and vast, and the glistening sea with its aquamarine reefs and scattered green islands promises refreshment, even from afar. Ferries offer a glimpse of local culture at a slower, more relaxed pace, and Tanzania’s rapidly developing rail network allows you to see the country from the romance of a boxcar, its iron rails twisting across the African plains.
There are many ways to get around in Tanzania, and the option you choose will depend upon your time constraints and your budget. Travelling by road is the most accesible and probably the cheapest way to travel, and public transport connects all major locations, and ventures far off the beaten track.
Tanzania’s infrastructure is quite developed, especially around major tourist attractions in the north and along the Swahili Coast. Public transport vehicles crisscross the country and connect larger towns to out-of-the-way locations.
Schedules are subject to change without notice, so please contact your travel agent for specific details.
What To Bring:
Packing for a trip to East Africa can be an anxiety-filled experience for first-time travellers, especially with the range of gear on offer at outdoor outfitters. When it comes down to it, packing for a trip to Tanzania is much like preparing for any adventure destination – bring sturdy shoes, bathing suits, and comfortable clothes. Don’t worry if you happen to forget necessities like sunscreen and insect repellent – they’re easily purchased in the supermarkets and pharmacies of most towns.
That said, what do you bring? Here are just a few suggestions – above and beyond the obvious – to make sure you’ll be prepared: